Udaya Jyotisha: The Astrology of Upward Movement in Life

This class focuses entirely on Venus and paying the right price. Venus is the planet of desire and prosperity. We evaluate and make choices through Venus. A good Venus in the natal chart makes one able to make financial decisionns that lead them to more and more financial freedom. This class shows how to properly read and interpret Venus in a financial context.

Venus is known as Laxmi, the Goddess of fortune. In the west we call her "lady luck". Lady luck actually comes from the name for laxmi, and thought it is spelt differently, it is pronounced with the same sound. So lady "luckshmi" is how you would pronounce it in sanskrit...

No matter what the culture, Venus has long been noted to grant the fulfillment of desires in the easiest way, and is a crucial planet for making the most of our financial karma in life.

Class 10 is the first Udaya Jyotisha class I have taught in 2022, and is the beginning of another set of Financial Astrology and Cryptocurrency classes which we will call "Level 2". In Level 1 we covered Ashtakavarga, Varshaphala, Lunar New Year Charts, Dignity, and had entire classes on Jupiter, Moon, Mercury and the Nodes.

This is the beginning of the "Level 2" classes, where we will continue to build upon the 20+ hours of material taught in the first level, while now layering in Venus to the equation we are already working with.


This class consists of a 1 hr and 22 minute video lecture on Venus in the context of Udaya Jyotisha, along with a written manual that goes along with the entire Level 1 and 2 Courses. In this course I share my research and insights on what Venus represents at the mundane astrological level as well as the individual level of the natal chart.

One can use this information for mundane predictions of market movements as well as individual natal chart predictions. The techniques taught in this class are wonderful for both.

It starts by explaining why Venus is so crucial to properly evaluating any important financial decision. I also share some of the deep life insights one can get on investing based on the Astrological laws, strengths, and weaknesses associated with Venus and it's signs, Taurus and Libra.

Then the class shows how to assess Venus in a chart, in order to see what different strengths or weaknesses may be inherent in the native, country, stock, or coin in question. It covers and applies techniques that come from the Lajjitaadi and Deeptaadi Avasthas of Vedic Astrology, as well as a nakshatra technique for interpreting Venus as well.

A number of examples are given to illustrate the techniques.

Then we finish the class with predictions for the next 6 months (April 2022-October 2022) for the Bitcoin and cryptocurrency market particularly.

The student is also given access to a private group chat to share thoughts and ask questions with other financial astrologers.

Ideally one will have taken all of the level 1 course already, so as to make the most of this class. But if you are just jumping in now, better late than never!

The source material for much of this course is mainly from Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra, Jaimini Sutras, Phala Deepika, Bhavartha Ratnakara, Yavana Jataka and other jyotish shastras.

Feel free to check out my youtube videos or social media to get a feel for my teaching style





  Financial Astrology and Cryptocurrency Level 2 Class 10: Venus And Paying The Price
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